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Be An Everyday Humanitarian

Be an Everyday Humanitarian: Powerful and Sustainable Life Practices for Changing the World from Home by Corrina Steward is an e-guidebook that teaches how to discover your personal power, the key to uncovering your unique gifts and purpose.  As you unlock your personal power you develop inner sustainability.  Through inner sustainability we change the world.  Globally and personally, we are living unsustainably.  In our daily lives we don't have enough time, money, vision, heart or energy to live as we always imagined.  Globally, we are running out of natural resources to sustain us and people are suffering.  Be an Everyday Humanitarian is about taking back your power to change the world.   As Corrina struggled to find her own answers for living a meaningful life, she found a way forward by going Home.  Home is the source of our true selves.  It holds the answers to our life direction and the creative energy to change the world.  In Be an Everyday Humanitarian, Corrina guides you through the steps to discovering your personal power  through the Be@Home with Your Personal Power Program.  The Be@Home with Your Personal Power Program works with the 5 energies of transformation: Earth, Matter, Air, Water and Fire.  The guidebook is a step by step program that you can do on your own, with a friend or with a group.  PDF; 96 pages
The Be@Home with Your Personal Power Program:
Earth Energy
Mother Earth provides us with everything to live.  Yet, we've lost touch with her within our own bodies.  In this section, you evaluate your health and body sense for a body recharge.
Matter Energy
Matter is the foundation of the material world.  How does it currently 'materialize' in your life?  In this section, you use easy tools to align your heart, mind and spirit with the material world you want to live.
Air Energy 
Air is our life blood and known by the mystics as our path to the spiritual.  In this section, you explore your connection to universal consciousness.  Practicing gratitude is one principle shared with you.
Water Energy
Water is the connecting energy that lives in each of us.  Here you reflect on your personal connections, your community.  How do you build a community that supports your dreams?
Fire Energy
Fire is powerful.  It can destroy, and it can create a new path.  In this section, you learn how to anchor your personal power in a meaningful path for global human service.